Human Islet Isolation Procedure Home » About » Multimedia » Photo Galleries Purified islets are cultured in flasks and incubated at constant temperature Viability fluorescent staining identifies dead (red) versus alive (green) islets Dithizone staining helps visualize the islets by staining them red The pure islets are then collected and cultured Gradient purification process using the COBE 2991 Cell Processor, separates the islets from the acinar cells The digested pancreatic tissue is purified using gradients of various densities Once enzymatic digestion is completed, the pancreas is reduced to volume of 50g comprising of acinar and islets Pancreas is digested into acinar and islets. Islets can be visualized (red) by staining with dithizone Ricordi chamber is shaken to facilitate mechanical and enzymatic digestion of the pancreas Media is heated up and circulated through the Ricordi chamber in this open loop system Pancreas is placed inside the Ricordi chamber Digestive enzymes are pumped into the pancreas using the Perfusion pump The pancreas is carefully connected to the perfusion Pump excess fat and connective tissue is removed from the pancreas surface Pancreas retrieved from multi-organ donor is surface disinfected Centre d'isolement d'îlots À VENIR Désolé, il n'y a pas de messages en ce moment. Plus FAIRE UN DON SONDAGE How many people do you know that would benefit from cellular therapies? Choices 1-3 4+ VoteView results Sondages plus anciens Résultats